The runaway success of The Pickwick Papers, as it is generally known today, secured Dickens's fame.
The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it's as important to be "successful" in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.
As a niche in the field of marketing as we know it today, however, its history is more recent.
Normally it makes sense to choose a greater amount of money immediately than less in the future, as the value of a dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow.
Today, biologists no longer think of Dictyostelium as an embryo: It is more like a society of amoebas that come together for a common cause, for which some will sacrifice themselves.
It has become usual to think of Detroit as again not meant for people, though today the culprit is not belching industry but its absence.
If this requires teams of supervisors to camp inside Banks, as is the case today in Spain, so be it.
As a perfect example of Regency London, it has been featured in poetry, photo shoots, and music videos, but today it is threatened by construction.
Competition today is as much about slowing a rate of decline as it is about expanding.
As for design, it is a fiction thatapps run circles around HTML from a functional and UI point of view. As popularas apps are today, browsers are closingthe gap.
It is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today, with the giving of candy, flowers, or other gifts between couples in love.
She added: “That has not been thought of as the mission of business schools, but it is in the emerging world of today.
Today it is the success of smart-phones and devices known as "dongles", which connect laptops to mobile networks.
Let's begin by clarifying the specific definition of 'nanotechnology' as it is used in our scenarios, as compared to the broad and diverse field of 'nanotechnology' that exists today.
Ballet dancing, as we know it today, is a result of influences from many countries.
Even if we could freeze-frame the atmosphere as it is today, sea levels would still rise by 25 metres, says the latest study into the effects of climate change on melting ice sheets.
Up in the cloud there will be a body of data for each individual that will accompany them through life, he explains, and it will not be tied to any particular device, as it is today.
Today, it is the Straits of Hormuz, through which much of the world’s oil is carried, that has acquired the same strategic importance as the Hellespont had for the Athenians.
The collapse of the auction-rate security market doesn't reflect newly discovered problems with the borrowers: the Port Authority is as financially sound today as it was a month ago.
In addition, the existing capacity also needs refurbishment because, as it stands today, a quarter of Africa's installed power generation capacity is not operational.
Plus the web as we know it today is full of manual steps, such as visiting websites and searching for information.
And the same thing was happening throughout Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union, where migration of workers is just as much of a phenomenon today as it was in 2002.
The custard tart is regarded as one of Britain's traditional dishes. It remained a favourite over the centuries and is just as popular today.
The good news for you readers is that the book is as valid and current today as it was 20 years ago. The only thing that needs updating are some of the examples.
OLAP reporting is so popular today that it is widely used as the basis for presenting the power of data warehouse solutions to customers.
But today, Mr Yapias says ruefully, it is the Mexicans and Chicanos (American citizens of Mexican ancestry), as well as other Latinos such as himself (born in Peru), who tend to be asked for papers.
While it was once a shameful admission to have a convict ancestor, today it is more likely to be seen as a badge of honour.
While it was once a shameful admission to have a convict ancestor, today it is more likely to be seen as a badge of honour.