When processing millions of records, small differences add up, and it is not always obvious which methods are the most efficient.
The most notable and obvious cost of reverse mapping is that it incurs some memory overhead.
One of the most obvious gains of UML is that, because it's a graphic language it is more readable than markup.
To most Afghan eyes, watching heavily guarded foreign aid-workers glide by in their Landcruisers, it is obvious that much of the money is going straight back out of the country.
One way - the most obvious - is by giving shoppers information they can't get otherwise, such as how much the object weighs, how soft or hard it is, how rough or smooth it feels.
It can be used at any point during the process, although the most obvious place is after deployment. Ask yourself the following questions.
Maybe this is the most obvious tip of all, but it is also one of the most frequently forgotten.
Perhaps the most obvious attribute of design is that it makes ideas tangible, it takes abstract thoughts and inspirations and makes something concrete.
The first and most obvious thing to do is fight the infection, try to contain it.
The most obvious one is that Japan began its Lost Decade as the world’s largest creditor nation, and it still is.
最明显的一项是,在 “失去的十年”开始时,日本是世界上最大的债权国,它现在依然保持这一地位。
Obviously, it is among the doing disciplines that we find the most obvious differences between software and traditional engineering.
To all but the most zealous anti-smoker, it is obvious that there is much more going on here than a concern with public health, but what?
Because a woman's brain can connect emotion to other brain functions it is obvious why she can cry or become emotional under most conditions.
This is because the majority of the architects' community is likely to accept the most obvious mapping, which makes it more practical.
THE difference between saying what you mean and meaning what you say is obvious to most people. To computers, however, it is trickier.
Clearly the first option above is only viable for the most trivial of databases because it puts an obvious upper-bound on the size of the database that you can practically use.
The first and most obvious is that it saves typing and provides a repeatable pattern.
When we look at the sort of home which produces book-lovers. The first thing we notice-the most obvious, but strangely the most often forgotten factor-is that such a home has books in it.
The most frequent reason why people don't make any money blogging is quite obvious: They do not work enought for it.
The most obvious way to create a control is to select a control from the editor's design palette (see Figure 6) and then drop it onto the canvas.
Nokia's most obvious problem is that it is being squeezed out of the smartphone market.
Its dilemma is clear: it wishes to give the strongest possible indication that match-fixing is unacceptable, and the most obvious way to do this is to ban guilty players for life.
As with most turning points the answer will only be obvious in retrospect, but since the latter is the least expected of the two we naturally prefer it,' Shaoul wrote.
The most obvious case for keeping Sarbox is that companies have got used to it.
That being said, the most obvious application of Xenu link Sleuth is to use it to find broken links.
Although this is the most obvious part of you, it is the smallest part.
Although this is the most obvious part of you, it is the smallest part.