It is taken granted that all English SVO constructions can be converted into their passive counter-parts, with their basic meaning remaining unchanged.
IF AMERICANS have learned anything from their recovery, it is that nothing can be taken for granted.
This may seem simple, but it is a process that is often taken for granted or done in an AD hoc manner.
It is always a little disconcerting to realise a generation has grown up never knowing what it was like to manage without something that is taken for granted today.
Chi Xinmu (Chengdu Daily) : for a long time, it is taken for granted that a person should not let his or her name be known to others or ask for a return when he or she has done a good deed.
And it is not just in Japan that you can watch live television on the hoof. It is also taken for granted in South Korea, China, Brazil and parts of Europe.
Today, it is taken for granted that China is unstoppable.
But it is a belief that certainly should be questioned and whose validity should not be taken for granted, for a very good case could be made to refer Astrology to Neptune instead of to Uranus.
An interesting property of great design is that it is taken for granted.
Because it is true that nothing can be taken for granted.
It is taken for granted that without respecting the interests of others self-interest will not be fulfilled.
It is often taken for granted that this is also true for the maker of fine-art objects.
It is taken for granted that...
It is taken for granted that every child is taken good care of, but unfortunately, not everyone is.
It is taken for granted that we should have different concepts and methods, especially breakthrough in developing new curriculums in the perspective of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
It is taken for granted that we should have different concepts and methods, especially breakthrough in developing new curriculums in the perspective of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.