It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in total for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes.
It seems to be that part of our brain remembers and seeks out, usually unconsciously, someone who will emotionally resonate to a person (usually one or both parents) in our family.
At the moment, it seems absolutely unacceptable that this other person—whether it's a mother, a husband or a best friend—disagrees.
But notice that that label,personal identity, the problem of personal identity, seems to have built into it the assumption that whatever it is that's me is going to be a person.
It seems that once we get close to a person, the brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced.
So it seems that we are faced with a difficult philosophical question. How is one to know which aspect of a person counts as that person’s true self?
So it seems that we are faced with a difficult philosophical question. How is one to know which aspect of a person counts as that person's true self?
Despite this limitation it seems that talking about music might be a very powerful way to make a connection with another person.
Rather than going out to meet people in person, it seems that there's a growing tendency to sofalize – socialize with friends and family via electronic devices in the home。
I have always complained that third-person games do not work well on a PC, but Wolfire seems to have got it right.
It seems plausible to think that a wise person could be wise enough to realize that she is wise.
Of course, it is impossible that every person from a certain country has the same personality, but it seems that people of the same nationality do sometimes share certain personality characteristics.
It seems that owing the fame and the money can make a person perfect.
Although each person is only "beauty" has a different criteria, but it seems that high-eyes big nose is a primary criterion.
It seems that only a thin person can look good in a fine dress.
This seems very unfair, remember that sometimes only a few seconds, a person can forget about it too often has needed life-time.
It seems that I have a lot of free time, and nobody would say anything if I am absent in a 500-person lecture.
Of course, it's impossible that every person from a certain country has the same personality, but it seems that people of the same nationality do sometimes share certain personality characteristics.
Of course, it's impossible that every person from a certain country has the same personality, but it seems that people of the same nationality do sometimes share certain personality characteristics.