Missoula was home to Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress, in 1916, and the only member of Congress to vote against entering World War I and World War II.
彼此宽容,至少是对宽容的渴望。 米苏拉是珍妮特•兰金的故乡,她是第一个进入国会的女性(1916年),也是唯一投票反对美国参加一战和二战的国会议员。
Missoula was home to Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress, in 1916, and the only member of Congress to vote against entering World War I and World War II.
彼此宽容,至少是对宽容的渴望。 米苏拉是珍妮特•兰金的故乡,她是第一个进入国会的女性(1916年),也是唯一投票反对美国参加一战和二战的国会议员。