I asked John Mack if he could see subprime-mortgage bonds making a comeback.
我问John Mack他是否可以预见次级抵押债券卷土重来。
The salary of John Mack, Morgan Stanley’s boss, remains unchanged at $800,000.
The salary of John Mack, Morgan Stanley’s boss, remains unchanged at $800, 000.
The salary of John Mack, Morgan Stanley's boss, remains unchanged at $800,000.
Last fall, John Mack, to his credit, was one of the first Wall Street C.E.O.S to say publicly that his industry needed stricter regulation.
去年秋天,John Mack对公众表示,他的企业需要更加严格的规则,而就Mack的信用来看,他是华尔街第一等的首席执行官之一。
Morgan Stanley's John Mack hypocritically branded the practice-which his firm had long financed as a prime broker - "immoral if not illegal".
In a speech to Morgan Stanley's staff during the market turmoil of 2008, John Mack, the firm's street-fighting boss, wondered aloud: "How do you get through chaos?"
In a speech to Morgan Stanley's staff during the market turmoil of 2008, John Mack, the firm's street-fighting boss, wondered aloud: "How do you get through chaos?"