Below, Shouting women jostle for position with their containers.
Israeli journalists jostle for hitherto rare interviews with Mr Zahar.
Economic problems abroad will also jostle for Mr Obama's attention.
Costly productions could wind up cannibalizing each other as they jostle for screens.
As boats jostle for space on the lake, fishermen are getting desperately worried about their livelihoods.
Yet while these and other individualcountries jostle for the spotlight in 2008, bear those first three words inmind: “Asia is one”.
She says much of the wrangling will take place in the corridors as countries jostle for post-war contracts over infrastructure, utilities, and oil.
More recently the Arabs have been buffeted by the invasion of Iraq. Now they find themselves caught in the middle as America and Iran jostle for regional dominance.
Squabbles may even break outbetween different lenders as they see the company heading for possiblebankruptcy and jostle for a better place in the queue of creditors.
Reporters and bloggers jostle for scoops and insight from the Demo ballroom. Here, CNET's Daniel Terdiman has begun writing even before the show has officially kicked off.
Violence often erupts in the contested waters there. Boats routinely jostle for position during crab-catching season, and three deadly naval clashes since 1999 have taken dozens of lives.
Instead, big countries jostle for a share of influence, knowing they cannot monopolise the scene; small and medium-sized powers struggle to keep room for manoeuvre by playing off would-be patrons.
Desperation has driven women to jostle with men for limited relief supplies.
Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets.
For in the springtime flowers come in crowds, and the busy wings of bees jostle each other.
Welcome to the mean streets around Buckingham Palace, where royal correspondents jostle each other for scoops, and aren't shy about elbowing a rival.
欢迎来到白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)周围的穷街陋巷,王室记者们在这里争抢着独家新闻,而且从不介意给对手使绊子。
Welcome to the mean streets around Buckingham Palace, where royal correspondents jostle each other for scoops, and aren't shy about elbowing a rival.
欢迎来到白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)周围的穷街陋巷,王室记者们在这里争抢着独家新闻,而且从不介意给对手使绊子。