Step 5: Jump into Action immediately.
Carole and Randy both jump into action, getting their clothes out of their respective closets.
We are ready to jump into action, and once we do it is going to be something of a helter-skelter ride.
The escorts aren't allowed to cheer or coach, but they can jump into action like a pit crew to assist with a flat tire.
They speculate that stronger messages prompt the lateral prefrontal cortex to jump into action, batting back the potentially distracting signals.
One of his earlier brain studies showed that numerous regions, including the insula and orbital frontal cortex, jump into action when such discordance occurs, trying to make sense of it.
他在一项早年的大脑研究中发现,当听到那些不寻常的声音时,像脑岛(又称岛叶)和眶前额皮层(orbital frontal cortex)等大脑的许多部位会迅即作出反应,努力去弄清它的意思。
Leap into action as you run and jump high in the sky in this real time adventure game.
Leap into action as you run and jump high in the sky in this real time adventure game.