You might get just a little bit tired out after the first few thousand kilometers, especially with all the oxygen tanks you'll have to be hauling up with you.
Actually, you just choose one with more guests and it won't be wrong.
"There, I can help you," said Dummling, "just come with me and you shall be satisfied."
Just be happy with what you have had.
You can't imagine how happy you can be by just looking at an old ticket with a special date on it or a napkin from your favorite restaurant.
"If you sleep with your mouth open, she will be able to see the tooth hole," said Sammy. The class laughed. Come on! But that just gave me a great idea! "How did you get the Tooth Fairy to leave the money?"
Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker.
You are just overtired. There is nothing wrong with you. You'll be all right after a couple days' rest.
Otherwise, you may be quenching your thirst with just sugar water.
Communicating with women online can be just as difficult as communicating with women offline and if you come across as a boring person you won't get a lot of success online.
Then just breathe and allow their presence to surround you and be with you.
You don't have to throw away information, you just have to be careful what you do with it.
Don't cancel your plans with your friend or let your friend down just because you want to be with someone you're interested in.
Just be prepared for people to ask if you are pregnant with this behavior.
Once you interact with others, you realize it`s way easier than you thought it would be, just two individuals with different backgrounds making friends - that`s it.
These questions are just some examples of the challenges you may be faced with when trying to implement a BI project.
There are times when you just want to hang with friends or even just be alone.
You might already know this and be okay with it, but I just wanted to fill you in just in case you didn’t know.
You will be surprised by just how much you can accomplish with white space alone.
The dialog can be incredibly fruitful. Just be cognizant of the relative number of users with whom you are actively engaged.
Think of this as a hobbyist's test project, and if you come up with a killer app for it, you might just be able to make a profit anyway.
I know you might be disappointed that you can't just organize a space and be done with it forever.
You certainly realize that your problems may not just be with the hair.
“You just don’t want to be seen with your little sister,” teased Mikey.
“你不就是不想让别人看到你跟自己的小妹妹在一块儿吗?” 米奇揶揄道。
This other woman, it may be just you are able to deal with.
If you didn't have to work, you might be happy with just enough.
And, who knows, a would-be connection may just come back with an offer you can't refuse.
And, who knows, a would-be connection may just come back with an offer you can't refuse.