While most of us prefer meals we can chew, fruit and vegetable purees are a tasty way to get vitamins in your diet - just go easy on fruit, which is high in natural sugar.
While it may be pretty easy at the beginning, we have just arrived at the first precipitous part of the journey. We have not yet reached the top and we still have a long way to go.
Jumping would have been easy: Just step over the bridge railing and let go.
Just before running, do one or two easy stretches just to signal to your body that you are ready to go.
In this initial process of keyword research, it can be easy to go one of two ways-just barely scratching the surface or going overboard and wasting time.
It's very easy to go through and list these facts and make it look like everything just seemed to easily fall in it's own perfect little place, but the truth of the matter is that it didn't.
It's so easy to just go in there and have a meal.
You can actually go parasailing at Walt Disney world? It's easy to do . The trips launch from the docks just behind the contemporary resort. Just strap youself in!
If symptomatic bradycardia goes untreated, it could lead to death, but that's easy enough to prevent–just go see your doctor.
Info It's that easy. Just go to the south curb under the sign shuttles and wait.
I think I'll go and knock around in Qingdao. Hit the beach, maybe a little surfing, you know. Just take it easy, maybe spend some time at old friends.
Let me show you how to open your smartphone. Just press... here. There you go. Easy.
After practice it is easy and after you let go of enough ego, you just naturally feel the peace and joy of your Self.
Just take it easy and we'll go through it.
If you want to go to the nearest store, it's easy as pie. Just turn left at the next stoplight.
Sometimes, to get the best of life, you have to go through some of the worst. No one said it would be easy. Just be strong.
It's easy to think they might go largely unnoticed but I'm sure this is not the case. I just do my own thing and try not to bother anybody.
Just make sure to go easy on the sugar. I would hate for people to get the message that they should be drinking more sugar-sweetened beverages.
All the best then! I can only laugh at myself for thinking too much, just need to let it go! Not easy to let go, really!
I'm sure you will. You just finished a difficult test. You should take it easy. Let's go get some lunch, my treat.
We just have to go with the flow... Surrender our hearts and souls, but that easy?
Why do you want to chicken out? It's easy, just go take the test, after all, you really studied hard.
Why do you want to chicken out? It's easy, just go take the test, after all, you really studied hard.