A person is just a germ's way of making other germs.
To educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up.
He just did his job in a matter-of-fact way and was not to be interested in gaining merit, but only in avoiding making mistakes.
You have a way of making whatever you do look so easy, that others just expect you to be able to "carry their weight"...
Prof: it just means a way of making a decision.
It wasn’t for a lack of love; they were just excited about making their own way.
It was just a convoy of brave Americans, making their way home.
The arm guide isn't just good manners and a polite way of guiding you through a crowd; he's making sure he knows exactly where you're going by taking you there.
We just had a post on how a simple timer can go a long way in making you more productive.
From this person — this perspective, a person is just a germ's way of making other germs.
Watching this we might assume it isn't intended to be diagnostic of human psychology; rather it's just a way of making a joke at the expense of the main character.
In 2001 Mr Gross ran into Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the young co-founders of Google, a search engine that was just then becoming popular, but still had no way of making money.
It's sometimes seen just as a courtesy or a way of making them feel comfortable, but it can give you real insight into how they think and react to the post.
However, a more proactive way to solve the problem would be making money, not just saving money.
Making sure you're making money is just a way of making sure you're doing something of value to others.
Making these toys is not just a way of killing time.
But is there really no way of making memory Shared security between user space and kernel when they are just used as a buffer?
Making constructors the way they are could easily be viewed as just such a trade-off as described in that quote.
The challenge is not just the making of high-quality picture tubes. It also is devising a way to process and transmit all the extra information that is needed to animate the added scanning lines.
As Kazeyonoma has said, I tend to be a "teach a man to fish" type, so this guide will be phrased to teach you how to create your character the way you want, rather than just making choices for you.
As Kazeyonoma has said, I tend to be a "teach a man to fish" type, so this guide will be phrased to teach you how to create your character the way you want, rather than just making choices for you.