Yet spending on ads carried over cell-phone networks last year amounted to just $1.5 billion worldwide, a fraction of the $424 billion global ad market.
The losses comprised just a tiniest fraction of its total herd of 660 million--more than the next 43 largest producers combined--but even the slight shortfall led to soaring pork prices a year later.
This nearly incomprehensible state is theorized to have existed for just a fraction of the first second of time.
Whereas chemical rockets waste too much propellant to reach a net change in spacecraft velocity, electric thrusters can do exactly the same mission using just a small fraction of the propellant.
But the scans also find it hard to detect weakly selected genes, so they may be picking up just a small fraction of the recent stresses on the genome.
This method assumes that some percentage of planets will pass between our line of sight and the stars they orbit around, causing those stars to dim just a fraction from our perspective.
A large fraction of the ice coming off Greenland, for example, flows down just three glaciers. Work out how to slow or stop those glaciers and you may have dealt with a big problem.
Thus, for further consideration I've listed just a fraction of the many things people like about software development, loosely ordered from the most intrinsic rewards to the most extrinsic rewards.
As one of the boys' mothers put it: "I hope to God that he grows up to be like Tony Blair or just a fraction like him."
I mean, between Skype and Twitter and Google Documents, we've been able to collaborate with people that I've never met in person, and I think Lukas has just met a tiny fraction of them in person.
The number is just a fraction that of what Apple is expected to produce for the month, as it shipped 1 million iPhone 3GS units just on its opening weekend alone.
Another of our non-winning favorites, this map shows a sample of 76,425 recognized species — just a fraction of the 5 to 100 million estimated life forms in existence.
It is not necessary to introduce a complex concept of fraction, just give them an example!
And this is just a fraction of the two sectors' total spend on television advertising and other efforts to influence the debate.
Many CEOs wrestle to squeeze just average performance from companies a fraction of GE's size.
These hints were provided just a fraction of a second before the flash of light so people didn't have time to move their eyes (this was checked using electrooculography).
In a broader sense, it may also refer to that minuscule fraction of time it takes your brain to realize that you've just made a GIGANTIC mistake and reconcile the fact that it is too late.
There are many advantages to risking just a small fraction of your account on any trade.
In four months of data we were able to significantly extend the previous limit with just a fraction of the data sample.
So you get the expertise and insights of some of the world's leading authorities for a fraction of what it would cost to commission just one report.
Genentech's voluntary turnover rate last year was just 4%—a small fraction of the 25.8% average turnover rate over the same period in the U. S. , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
You don't want to just ignore it, but in cases like that, it's usually a small fraction of the total.
These late effects are believed to make up a very small fraction of the nation's 76 million annual food poisonings, although no one knows just how many people are at risk.
For instance, atmospheric pressure on Mars is only a fraction of what it is here on Earth - averaging 7.5 millibars on Mars to just over 1000 here on Earth.
For instance, atmospheric pressure on Mars is only a fraction of what it is here on Earth - averaging 7.5 millibars on Mars to just over 1000 here on Earth.