Karl Rove, Mr Bush's strategist, is a "villain."
In a new blow to an increasingly isolated White House, Karl Rove has announced his retirement.
And one in Arkansas was pushed aside to make room for a chum of Karl Rove, George Bush's top strategist.
Even Karl Rove, the mastermind of George Bush junior's two presidential campaigns, thinks the process is too drawn-out.
Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, once two of the most powerful men in this country, are now suffering from Balzheimer's disease.
"I think had Karl Rove immediately come out to support us, had the NRSC even helped us verbally, we could have closed the gap," o 'donnell said.
The question is whether he was well served or whether he allowed others, notably Karl Rove, his Machiavellian campaign adviser, undue influence.
问题在于,他对此是泰然处之还是默许他人——尤其是他那不择手段的竞选顾问卡尔•洛夫(Karl Rove)——发挥了不正当影响呢?
Earlier this month, Karl Rove told Fox News that Palin would require extensive preparation, "so that when she starts making these speeches, people say, 'You know what?"
Among the festival screenings were the documentary Bush's Brain (about adviser Karl Rove) and a fact-based drama, the Assassination of Richard Nixon, starring Sean Penn and Naomi Watts.
Karl Rove and at least one of the federal prosecutors appointed by Alberto Gonzales engaged in a criminal conspiracy to deny hundreds of thousands of American citizens their right to vote.
So did the Republicans' Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor of California, Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, and even Karl Rove, the White House deputy chief of staff, otherwise known as "Bush's brain".
And, you know, people around the table-karl [Rove], Karen [Hughes] -all these people were like, Oh, well, do we have to?
And, you know, people around the table-karl [Rove], Karen [Hughes] -all these people were like, Oh, well, do we have to?