Director Kenny Ortega recently visited a Kenyan orphanage, where he was met with greetings for HSM sweethearts Troy and Gabriella.
导演Kenny Ortega最近探访一个肯尼亚孤儿院,收到对Troy和Gabriella(歌舞青春主角)的问候。
Kenny Ortega, the co-director of the concerts, testified that Jackson was excited about the shows because he wanted his young children to see him perform.
The first pictures from the forthcoming Kenny Ortega-directed documentary about Michael Jackson's ill-fated rehearsals for his final tour have hit the web.
由肯尼·奥尔特加(Kenny Ortega)执导的纪录片剧照出现在网络上,该纪录片即将上映,它记录了迈克尔·杰克逊最后一次未能成行的巡回演唱会的彩排片段。
The guest list included TV executive Suzanne DE Passe, who produced a miniseries about Jackson's family, and Kenny Ortega, who was producing Jackson's comeback show.
Kenny Ortega, the director and choreographer who was working with Mr. Jackson to create the London concert series, called “This Is It, ” said, “This is all too much to comprehend.”
Kenny Ortega,导演兼舞美编导,说,“所有这一切简直令人难以用常理来理解”。 在迈克.杰克逊过世之前,Kenny Ortega正与他一起合作筹备伦敦的系列演唱会“ThisIsIt”。
Kenny Ortega, the director and choreographer who was working with Mr. Jackson to create the London concert series, called “This Is It, ” said, “This is all too much to comprehend.”
Kenny Ortega,导演兼舞美编导,说,“所有这一切简直令人难以用常理来理解”。 在迈克.杰克逊过世之前,Kenny Ortega正与他一起合作筹备伦敦的系列演唱会“ThisIsIt”。