Where the target model is spread across multiple tables, the data Gap Analysis must also consider data keys and key relationships to effectively link data elements together.
Key AXIS PRO features include data management, geospatial analysis, link analysis, pattern analysis, and text extraction.
Computer network course is the key lesson in relative speciality of higher schools, and protocol analysis is a main link in the teaching system of computer.
The paper focuses on how to use link analysis method to effectively find key resources.
The analysis of link connectivity of a pair of nodes is the key to the prediction of topology change in advance.
The paper studies the key link in supply chain management -sale, puts forward the model of distribution selection mechanism and makes a detailed analysis of those important parameters.
Technological analysis is a key link in digital control process and it provides a basis for designing programme.
Lastly, the strength analysis of the guide frame, which is key part to link guide tire sets and vehicle body, is carried out by finite element method software (ANSYS).
The financial analysis of the commercial residential is the key link in the whole developing process of commercial residential, it will directly affect that development projects can proceed smoothly.
This method analysis and optimizing process via multi-views, effectively support enterprise change by identifying and reduce valueless process, identifying key link and building new process quickly.
The key technology of net-charging based on data-link Layer is the capture and analysis of data frame.
For reentry capsules of spacecraft, making up the trajectory in black-out area is a key link of aerodynamic analysis from flight test data.
A posteriori error estimation is the key link of the adaptive finite element analysis.
Link quality analysis (LQA) is a key measurement process in adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) communication systems and results in adaptive frequency and power control.
The analysis of exterior value link and interior value link can be used to make sure a key of MIS development strategy.
The analysis of exterior value link and interior value link can be used to make sure a key of MIS development strategy.