Encourage labor force to migrate freely to establish a unified labor force market.
Our urban and rural labor force market segmentation blocks the migration of rural labor force.
Meanwhile, the low-grade labor force market contains two parts: urban low-grade laborers and rural low-grade laborers.
The coming into being of labor dispatch and the systematic evolution is a result of the flexible tendency of the labor force market.
The structural unemployment has been the general type of unemployment in China because of the low quality and the simple skills of the labor force and the imperfection of the labor force market.
Dongjing market broke the limitation of space and time, formed special markets, cultural and recreational market and labor force market, so the commodity transaction was exceptionally prosperous.
On the other hand, the wage of knowledge workers is the transforming form of the price of labor force capital, whose amount is affected by the relationship of supply and demand in labor force market.
Immigrants are an important part of the labor market in richer nations - making up about 10 percent of the labor force and taking jobs native workers cannot or do not want to fill.
But the overall labor market is about 75% larger today, so the job cuts now represent a smaller share of the work force.
Unprecedented fierce competition in the market today, China's rural labor force by virtue of years of education per capita reached only primary school level, how to get rich?
Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China possesses plentiful labor-force and a huge market.
That could force businesses, hit by weaker consumer demand and an increase in their own costs, to pare operations and cut more jobs in an already weak labor market.
Canada is a country with well developed industries and abundant resources while China has plentiful supply of labor force and potential of huge market.
Canada is a county with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China has a plentiful supply of labor force and a potential huge market.
The goals and objectives are to increase the employment positions, improve the overall quality of labor force, and establish market mechanism for allocating labor force.
Discrimination economics, human capital theory, screening theory and labor market segmentation theory illustrate the difference in labor force in different aspects.
Market of labor force factor, compared with product or capital market, embodies its particular features.
In a rapidly changing world, the job market calls for a labor force capable of handling diverse challenges.
Internal causes include individual educational choice of college students, college running, market condition between demand and need of labor force and so on.
Or it depends on their income from nonagricultural industry, i. e. substitutive wage, in the united labor market of urban and rural areas, where labor force can flow freely.
Third, the transfer of rural labor force may change the urban labor market balance, and then affect firms' costs.
Labor market division theory makes us to view and resolve the problems of constructive shortage, labor force barrier from a brand new Angle.
US gave more importance to it's economy to boost up other sectors of the industries so that they would be able to recruit more person as labor force in the market.
The failure of the project does not only create for them an adverse reputation in the market but the entire labor force also feels betrayed and cheated.
Talent market is the exchange site of complex labor force.
Labor force supply-demand relations imbalances and the market for labor growth are faulty;
Labor force price inexpensive, raw material sufficient, industrial chain perfect, even the history is glorious, the Chinese textile has all sorts to dominate an area the global market condition.
Detroit's labor force has been slammed by dreadful auto sales, and the sinking California housing market has dragged down construction jobs in that area.
Detroit's labor force has been slammed by dreadful auto sales, and the sinking California housing market has dragged down construction jobs in that area.