Blacking a lamp bulb by paint.
Install turn signal lamp bulb.
Install turn signal lamp bulb.
The bed side lamp bulb blew on the first night.
Series: "QB" Series Embedded Stainless Steel Underwater Lights with Plastic Niche, Toughed Glass Lens, Fit Incandescent Lamp Bulb.
Glass composition for blue lamp bulbs, use of such a composition for forming a bulb, and automotive lamp emitting blue light and including a such bulb.
The products mainly consist of LED solar energy lamp series, lamp bulb series, LED surface plate lamp series, spotlight series, ceiling lamp series, lamp filament series, etc.
The invention relates to a glass composition for use in a lamp bulb including cobalt oxide to provide a blue colored glass, which composition comprises alkali metal oxide including lithium oxide.
The lamp takes energy from a plant growing in a wooden box and uses it to light up an LED light bulb.
The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.
He raced towards the bulb of a reading-lamp.
Here's a cool design concept from product design Company 100% : a deliberately bare light bulb lamp that celebrates the smooth curves of Edison's greatest invention.
The bulb of the lamp must have chosen this moment to blow.
As an example he suggests using a book light to read by rather than a lamp on a bedside table that USES a much stronger bulb.
Back in the bedroom I fumble in the dark to remove the bulb from the table lamp and screw in one of the new sixty-watt bulbs I bought with the tools, in what now seems like another life.
"The 60-watt lamp is the most-sold bulb in America," said James R. Brodrick, the manager for solid-state lighting at the Energy Department.
“60瓦灯泡是美国销量最大原白炽灯泡,”联邦能源部固态照明主任詹姆斯·r·布罗德里克(James r .Brodrick)说。
This lamp can be used as a kettle to heat water for a cup of tea with the help of small light bulb.
Osram, which is part of Germany's Siemens, recently launched the Parathom Classic, a LED lamp shaped like conventional 60 Watt light bulb.
Use a lower watt bulb in your lamp.
Other options include using a hot pack an electric heat pad set on its lowest setting or a radiant heat lamp with a 250 watt reflector heat bulb to warm specific muscles and joints.
其他选项包括使用热敷电热垫定于它的最低设置或辐射热灯与25 0瓦的热反射灯泡以热烈的具体肌肉和关节。
Remove bulb element from fog lamp .
Adjustable fitting; can be used both with lamp bases and with ceiling cord sets and big or small incandescent bulb.
The N200's light is only 13.5 lumens on the high setting (a 60-watt incandescent bulb is 850 lumens). That's very dim, but it's comparable to a kerosene lamp.
一盏N200灯光亮最高能达到13.5流明(一只普通的60 W白炽灯有850流明),虽然有点暗,但跟煤油灯比起来还是绰绰有余的。
The lamp needs a 100-watt bulb.
那盏灯必要10 0瓦的灯胆。
Remove spring clip securing bulb to fog lamp.
Remove spring clip securing bulb to fog lamp .
You can also buy a heat bulb from your local hardware or lighting store and install into your own lamp.
Could you change the bulb in the kitchen lamp, please?
Lamp holder and lamp holder: The lamp holder of common bulb and bulb glass case fall off easily below high temperature circumstance.
Lamp holder and lamp holder: The lamp holder of common bulb and bulb glass case fall off easily below high temperature circumstance.