The principle of collective ownership could not be changed, but farmers' rights could be clarified and rural land markets of sorts could be established.
In Nepal, for example, where mothers have greater ownership of land because of their inheritance rights, there are fewer severely underweight children.
Farmers, whose main concern relates to land-ownership rights, would also have something to gain.
If any persons with land use rights or building ownership or use rights in airport areas are altered, the relevant airport-stationed units must report to the SAMCO for record.
Land Ownership; Land Use Rights; Separation Rights; Right Expansion.
The building property rights referred to in these Provisions shall mean the ownership of buildings (above the foundation) and the right to use the land that the buildings occupy.
The essential and the key issue in rural land is the land rights system, namely rural land ownership and land usufruct.
Urban housing Units, to be taken in the housing ownership and land use rights of state-owned collection process.
Indeed, it will not meet the most crying need: to give peasants marketable ownership rights to the land they farm.
Ancient Rome, people consider the rights of land ownership "up to the sky, down to the center of the earth."
Coordinating mining right and earth land ownership, environment rights and interests relations.
In present land system, some problems like obscure ownership and incompleteness of collective lands imposed bad effect on land-lost peasants in protecting their land rights.
In present land system, some problems like obscure ownership and incompleteness of collective lands imposed bad effect on land-lost peasants in protecting their land rights.