The results showed that land use classification indeed influenced landscape metrics.
Land use classification is a service towards the urban planning activity, with a strong purpose.
The land use classification accuracy is usually unsatisfactory in the complicated terrain area when the traditional methods are used.
Then, based on the continuous land surface map of tree, herbaceous and bare, the land use classification was made using expert classifier.
Next, this method and the interpolation method are compared, and the combination of administrative, DEM and land use classification data on drought were analyzed too.
Valuation of land classification in the land use classification based on the land, natural, economic conditions, further define the level of various land and benchmark land price.
Many experts and scholars all around the world study and discuss on the land use classification permanently and put forward many land use classification systems according to the different purposes.
It is proved that CBERS can preferably realize land use classification in karst area with big scale and, can substitute national image TM and can be applied for land use investigation in karst area.
Techniques of classification are very importance for Land Use and Cover Change(LUCC).
The future land use structure was forecasted on the basis of industrial land classification.
Studied the classification and stage of urban land intensive use potentials and provided macro guide for steps of urban land intensive use potentials tapping.
The land types, land productivity classification and land use evaluation in Zhengjiagou catchment located in the north of loess plateau were discussed in this paper.
Synposis Low category classification of soils serves as a bridge between the soil classification and land use.
The purpose of this study is to develop a land classification system for national land use and land cover database building and macro land resources dynamic monitoring.
The approach and steps of computer classification and mapping on digital aerial photo image in a case study of land use mapping of a township is presented in this paper.
The classification of land types is the foundation of general planning and an effective method to use land reasonably.
In the process of evaluation, firstly, the indicators of city classification and intensive land use were collected, which mainly included city construction land and relative social-economic data.
The model of transformation probability matrix is used to analyze the change of wetland landscapes in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River basin based on the first classification of land use types.
The autuors present a decision tree based method for an easier and more accurate land-use classification using apparent reflectance values derived from ASTER images.
Establish the rural land use database, basic farmland database, rural land ownership database, remote sensing image database and classification summary and maps of results.
Finally, by the post-classification approach, the LUCC during 14 years was monitored and the land use transfer matrix was built which can exhibit how and how much every land use type change.
The destination of this thesis is to improve the pattern recognition algorithm for the classification to the land-use of urban blocks on remote-sensing images.
Different planning purposes, leads to different criteria for the classification of land use.
After the comparison of optimized BPNN model and simple BPNN model, the result shows that, it is completed feasible to use optimized BPNN model in cultivated land classification work.
The resluts of the experiments in the classification of land use remote sensing image in Jiading illustrate that the optimization algorithm has higher precise and better effectiveness.
One shortcoming of the method is that some wrong classification may occur in areas where mixed spectra of different land-use types exist.
One shortcoming of the method is that some wrong classification may occur in areas where mixed spectra of different land-use types exist.