Get the heli moving forward towards the direction of your landing zone.
When Match box are shot down short of their landing zone, the odds of their success seem hopeless.
The mini-marines acquired from the Landing Zone missions will continue to be allowed to carry any item on their inventory slots.
A CH-46E Sea Knight helicopter with Marine Medium helicopter Squadron 265 lands at an improvised landing zone in Sendai on March 14, 2011.
2011年3月14日,一架载有265海军中队的CH - 46 E型海洋骑士直升机降落在了仙台地区的一处临时搭建的停机坪上。
The HALS system provided the UH-60 pilots with continuous 3d real-time radar imagery of the landing zone throughout the approach, hover, and landing in complete brownout.
在灯火管制情况下,在整个接近、盘旋和着陆过程中,HALS系统可以向UH - 60飞行员提供着陆区的连续三维实时雷达图像。
The way it works is that the entire rocket unit leaves Earth's atmosphere, and then the 15-story-tall rocket booster separates, flips and comes back to a landing zone six miles away.
Both domestic and international aid has been flowing into the earthquake zone, with supply planes landing from countries including the us, Russia and Singapore.
You can check the new products when landing the member zone.
You can check the new products when landing the member zone.