Setting it to a reasonably large value is a safe thing based on the size of your database and the nature of your application.
To measure the effect of large numbers of documents, we had to further sacrifice the amount of concurrency for database size.
Logging to a database is somewhat slower than logging to text files, especially at busy sites, and the size of the database can become large so that maintenance becomes an issue.
Due to the large amount of data in the audit log table, a single INSERT statement will usually fail because the data per transaction exceeds the log file size of the database system.
We show how large mail files can affect server performance, and offer tips for reducing database and Inbox size, the cost of full-text indexes, and other ideas for users, administrators, and planners.
In addition to the large size of the mail database, the number of documents in a view — particularly the Inbox — can also degrade performance.
When the source database size is too large and there is not enough space to hold intermediate data files, using pipe is the recommended way to move the data.
Influence the direction of your Domino database design by making you aware of the benefits and impact of supporting multiple databases of smaller size, or of combining them into a large database.
Database storage areas are useful when the size of your object store is not very large in terms of number of documents and the sizes of those documents.
Despite the use of simpler structures at the logical level, some complexity remains, because of the large size of the database.
If business focus on investigation, there is no way to be growth larger. Large reporting agencies win with larger size database and repeating rate of inquires.
Large size of the database is often hundreds of GB, and sometimes even use the TB calculation.
The use of Hyper-Threading Technology for the large size of the file operations interface card does not die, with some slight modifications can be a text file to import generic database procedures.
The use of Hyper-Threading Technology for the large size of the file operations interface card does not die, with some slight modifications can be a text file to import generic database procedures.