Some blame the hedge fund speculators who have funneled large amounts of money into futures contracts in food markets.
He built a fortune in the ring, put large amounts of money into the community, became one of the two biggest promoters in the sport and ultimately married Millie, a beautiful Puerto Rican pop singer.
But the large amounts of dollars it was forced to buy were fuelling excessive growth in the money supply and hence inflation.
The Oracle of Omaha buys some companies outright. He buys large amounts of stock in other companies. With others yet, he loans money in the form of bonds.
The most vulnerable currencies when financial storms break, however, belong to countries whose banks, companies and households owe large amounts of short-term debt denominated in foreign money.
These types of changes often require large amounts of money, so if you need a loan or mortgage, Mars's position suggests that your banker will be helpful in seeing that you get what you need.
Michael Jordan has given large amounts of money to many groups that help young people. These include the James R. Jordan Boys and Girls Club and Family Life Center in Chicago, Illinois.
In horse racing, the expression means "the big time." the place where large amounts of money could be won.
I would like to earn large amounts of money. You could win a large amount of money in the United States through lotteries.
In the United States, tobacco companies have had to pay large amounts of money to people who developed deadly diseases caused by smoking cigarettes.
In the United States, tobacco companies have had to pay large amounts of money to people who developed deadly diseases caused by smoking cigarettes.