All incoming, consumed, produced and passing electricity is clearly visible on the panel (a large block display) of the regional dispatch center.
Meanwhile, in the field of large screen display, Plasma Display Panel (PDP) featuring high contrast, high resolution and wide visual angle, shows great advantages in competition.
Here's the key: When you select the small font or the large font in the display applet of the Control Panel, you are actually selecting an assumed video display resolution in dots per inch.
Microcomputer control, menu interface, PVC operation panel, and large LCD screen display, convenient user fast operation.
The colored Plasma display Panel becomes the first choice of the large screen display by the superior performance.
LED panel has been bought into wide use as a means of realizing large screen display.
The system is composed of hand written panel control and transmission subsystem; encoder radio transmission subsystem; and large screen display control subsystem.
The computer monitoring system for leaser diameter measurement consists of a laser gauge, an industrial PC and a large screen display panel.
The computer monitoring system for leaser diameter measurement consists of a laser gauge, an industrial PC and a large screen display panel.