On your third question, Chinese enterprises have contracted to a number of large-scale infrastructure projects in India.
And anyone involved with planning large-scale infrastructure, such as high-speed rail, who needs to know where people want to go, can benefit from the human mobility map, Brockmann said.
With more than 60 transboundary rivers in Africa, developing large-scale infrastructure to manage water use and avoid conflicts is a huge challenge.
It encompasses not just a technical infrastructure but also a user experience framework, usually some form of a selling channel, and a defined large-scale developer ecosystem.
Some experts worry that the crisis could delay large-scale agriculture and infrastructure projects and could even threaten social programs to improve health, education and sanitation.
To unlock its potential, Africa needs to revamp its infrastructure, introduce large-scale mechanization and improve varieties and yields.
While the example above shows a relatively small and simple catalog, WebSphere Commerce's infrastructure and tools have been proven to scale to very large catalogs of hundreds of thousands of items.
This is a software infrastructure built to support and manage IMS large-scale based applications in high performance environments.
Given Huawei's size and reach, that could affect the development of cellular networks and other large-scale technology infrastructure projects across the world.
Desalting technologies can be built in stages to meet demand unlike most large-scale water infrastructure projects .
While integrating transport infrastructure within the landscape considering the large scale modeling of the terrain, the purpose of agriculture in the peri-urban context has to be redefined.
At least within 20 years, Chongqing must persist to a large-scale infrastructure construction.
It demonstrates the UK's strengths and expertise in large-scale low carbon infrastructure.
China will continue its large-scale infrastructure programme, upgrade its industrial equipment and improve agricultural production as well as its processing capability.
Without excellent communication networks during a large scale incident a systematic approach will fail. this session will explore communication infrastructure, logistics and strategy.
DEM has been one of basic contents of National Special Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in various countries and integrated by Numeric Spatial Data Frame (NGDF) to produce in large scale.
Likewise, large scale document-assembly of standard form contracts could also be considered, especially if the supporting IT infrastructure is already in place.
There was a severe pressure due to the requisition of cultivated land for national infrastructure projects and large-scale enterprises.
The assets available for securitization now consist mainly of the real estate mortgage, the infrastructure loan and the account receivable of large-scale corporations.
Data Grid is the distributed management of large-scale data and the infrastructure analysis; it has implemented uniform storage, management, access and transmission of distributed, heterogeneous data.
Mainly used for landfill, road infrastructure, irrigation DAMS, airports and other large-scale infrastructure projects fill up shovels and compaction job.
With the start of Chinese large-scale operation of infrastructure projects, projects construction will require a lot of money.
And it also lets us tailor the game for the European market, gauge their reception to the game and to ensure that our infrastructure can support a large-scale MMO roll-out in Europe.
And it also lets us tailor the game for the European market, gauge their reception to the game and to ensure that our infrastructure can support a large-scale MMO roll-out in Europe.