We give them a sense of humor because laugher leavens life.
In your laugher you have the music of the fountain of life.
I shall roll on and on, and break upon your lap with laugher.
It seemed to be a farce and it made us doubled up with laugher.
I will paint this day with laugher; I will frame this night in song.
His black pyjamas were no longer a cause for laugher — now they seemed horrific.
Summer is a brilliant season, the mischievous childlike sunshine, spreading laugher all around actively.
The men who were waiting for me at the railroad station roared with laugher when they saw Walter and me in overcoats.
Do not delay anything that adds laugher and joy to your life. Every day, ever hour, and every minute is special. And you don't know if it will be your last.
When playing "hide and seek" with your child, a parent can imitate the child's surprised expression and laugher to help him develop his vision, hearing and sense of space.
Danny has 7 children, the youngest is 3, the most in 16 years, they can worry about food and clothing, but not a child can get a lot from his pocket money to laugher, even monthly pocket money nor.
Danny has 7 children, the youngest is 3, the most in 16 years, they can worry about food and clothing, but not a child can get a lot from his pocket money to laugher, even monthly pocket money nor.