Any man can lay claim to that name if he lives on a ranch and works—drives, brands, castrates, or nurtures—a cattleman's herd.
From Canada to Tasmania, most coastal areas with sea grass beds, mangroves, or coral reefs can lay claim to a seahorse species or two.
Many people contributed to the body of knowledge available today, and many can lay claim to being a founder.
It has a distinct advantage: it already knows who your friends are and most of them are already on its site. In the process, it would lay claim to one of the Web's largest E-mail services.
Businesses that contact Google can lay claim to a Place page, gaining more control over the content on the page.
On July 29, the day after Amazon's new Kindle was unveiled, Sony released a statement proclaiming that it did not want to "lay claim to the cheapest e-reader."
The best thing state residents can lay claim to is generating three-quarters of a million megawatt hours of wind energy annually, the 19th best amount for this category.
To have entered into the nether and returned alive is a feat that only few can lay claim to-and of those few only a handful speak the truth.
No phenomenon can lay claim to a constant relationship to pleasure.
But when she sails to the exotic and unknown regions of the South Pacific, a rugged man brave enough to be her guide just may be the one who can lay claim to her heart.
Denmark says it's planning to lay claim to a large area of the Arctic seabed including the North Pole, a region thought to be rich in oil and gas.
Demark says it's planning to lay claim to a large area of the Arctic seabed including the North Pole, a region thought to be rich in oil and gas.
I made an agreement with the Security Company that my foreign partner will stand as a beneficiary to lay claim of the money.
This is the major reason I need a partner from outside to lay claim and we can transfer out.
And there isn't a company in the industry that isn't working hard to lay claim to being a leader in cloud services or integrating consumer devices.
Three English dictionaries published recently all lay claim to possessing a "new" feature.
We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else.
Still, a large and growing proportion of the population can 13 lay claim to this problem.
To have entered into the Nether and returned alive is a feat that only few can lay claim to - and of those few, only a handful speak the truth.
To have entered into the Nether and returned alive is a feat that only few can lay claim to - and of those few, only a handful speak the truth.