Finally recent studies of turbulent boundary layer separation are also briefly reviewed.
The negative bowed blades raise the endwall loading and emphasis the boundary layer separation.
At the end of this chapter, we weaken the layer separations, introduce the ultra-separation axioms.
The introduction of micro pressure sensor array expands ways detecting boundary layer separation point.
The control of supercritical airfoil boundary layer separation is adapted using micro-vortex generators.
Thin-layer separation, color and quantitation method for the analysis of chloroacetamide herbicides was studied.
The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that boundary layer separation will produce pressure drag.
This paper presents the effect of different heat treatments on performance of new low layer separation valve steel LF6.
By regulating the amount of the specific gravity of four different drinks, the goal of layer separation can be achieved.
The high of vortex generators have their best chord position with an outstanding effect on controlling boundary layer separation.
According to the analysis on the boundary layer separation condition, parameter equation of vane curve for centrifugal pump is established.
MVC design pattern will also layer, business logic and data layer separation for the future expansion of the site provides a good foundation.
You have a clean layer separation and the entities should know nothing about the UI? Well, put your code right into the data class will spoil that.
The technology of oil flow and silk thread can reflect effect of the vertex generators controlling the boundary layer separation of the wing truly.
The micro shear stress sensor which based on the smart skin for boundary-layer separation point detection of delta wing has been explored in this paper.
The boundary layer separation points, minimum pressure positions on the surface and the drag coefficients are in agreement with numerical solutions and experimental results.
The basic equations of the boundary layer for blade surface flow of arbitrary cyclical surface are established, and the rotating effect for boundary layer separation is analyzed.
In addition, the layer separation exists in the end of span of overburden if the subsidence happens in whole overburden, which is resulted from the shear failure of the bedding plane.
Based on linear wave making resistance theory and on & technique of boundary layer separation control, the present paper gives an optimized study of hull form below the design water line.
This design proposal of micro pressure sensor array can effectively meeting the measuring requirement of boundary - layer separation point, and expand engineering applied scope of MEMS devices.
If the reference separation point approaches the outlet, the test results are satisfactory, which state that the practical position of boundary layer separation point will be close to the outlet.
For quick prototyping efforts it is acceptable to combine the database access in the view layer, compromising the strict separation of data from view.
It's entirely made up, so please don't try to overanalyze it, but instead observe the separation of duties at each analysis layer.
Tune in then to learn how custom tags can facilitate the separation between presentation and business logic, while also letting you incorporate dynamic data into the presentation layer.
Information management in SOA, particularly EII, emphasizes separation of concerns between the services layer and the physical implementation of the data.
Each new layer of separation seems to increase rapidly to generalization so that the programmers can enjoy when working on to create new tools.
The goal was to have a proper separation of concerns for each layer of the application -- i.e., the business logic remains in the implementation layer, the UI in the user interface layer, etc.
目标是适当地分离与应用程序每一层相关的问题 ——也就是,业务逻辑仍旧在实现层,UI 在用户界面层,等等。
In SOA, as in mature EAI, separation of concerns is key, and thus an "integration layer" in SOA might perform both semantic and non-semantic actions, but must keep them separate architecturally.
You can use any technology to implement a layer, whether the technology targets that layer or not, as long as compromises are understood and any impact on separation of concerns is minimized.
Each layer performs a clearly defined role that allows for easy separation of concerns, and work, among our team members.