Lcross is focused specifically on water.
But the latest LCROSS observations are different.
The LCROSS finding is, nevertheless, a successful confirmation of an intriguing hypothesis.
NASA televised live images of the LCROSS as it crashed into a crater near the moon's South Pole.
Now, the LCROSS observations provide a handy explanation for the hydrogen: it's bound with oxygen to form water.
The satellite, known as Lcross (pronounced L-cross), crashed into a crater near the Moon’s south pole a month ago.
The resulting plume of lunar soil was examined by instruments on the LCROSS probe before it too crashed into the moon.
Nobody saw the LCROSS debris plume because the probes struck a building which swallowed the effects of the explosion.
The Lcross scientists said it was not clear how all the different readings of water related to one another, if at all.
Nobody saw the LCROSS debris plume because the probes struck a building which swallowed the effects of the explosion.
LRO helped discover the moon's hidden water by watching its partner probe LCROSS crash into the lunar surface in October 2009.
Further analysis of LCROSS will show in what state the water exists and what other useful minerals are found at the impact site.
So, while the first LCROSS surprise - the wimpy plume - was disappointing, perhaps the next one the mission delivers will be happy.
That flexible approach also meant that many of the usual, rigid frameworks that apply to space travel have been dropped for LCROSS.
But the LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) mission could eventually have a similarly dramatic impact on space exploration.
Also surprising was the cornucopia of other elements and molecules that Lcross scooped out of the Cabeus crater, near the Moon's South Pole.
But LCROSS is different from preceding kamikaze missions: bigger, more complex and - perhaps - more important than similar previous ventures.
The collected data from around the world will help the LCROSS science team figure out whether the impacts revealed more water ice on the moon.
Indeed, smashing into the moon's surface is the primary objective of LCROSS (the name stands for Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite).
On October 9, a NASA spacecraft called LCROSS will deliberately crash into a cratered area of the moon's South Pole, where frozen water likely resides.
The Saturn fuel tank will detach from the body of the main LCROSS unit - which, stuffed with cameras and sensing equipment, ACTS as the mission's brain.
Nasas LCROSS project to hunt for water on the moon crashed two spacecraft into a crater today. The resulting plumage will be analysed for traces of water.
Soon after taking off from Florida, LCROSS used gravity to slingshot itself into a wide orbit around the Earth that would eventually coincide with the moon.
But LCROSS could also have more practical applications if it succeeds in providing evidence of water deposits in the unseen trenches of the lunar landscape.
During that five minutes, the instruments on LCROSS gathered data on the plume of debris thrown up by the booster's impact and transmitted them hastily back to Earth.
During that five minutes, the instruments on LCROSS gathered data on the plume of debris thrown up by the booster's impact and transmitted them hastily back to Earth.