Aarron Walter, the lead user experience designer for MailChimp, advised that.
Aarron Walter, MailChimp公司领先的用户体验设计师,建议道。
Compared with traditional two dimension video, the new 3DV can provide the users with the depth information of the object, which can lead user to a stereo world.
Applying lazy loading on a small amount of data results in multiple requests to the server, and the slow response might lead to user frustration.
I lead a team of user experience (UX) prototypers.
This approach does not lead to immediate savings, but it covers more user types, and the pilot migration more closely resembles the later main migration.
It supports a variety of user roles, such as test manager, test architect, test lead, tester, and lab manager, as well as roles outside of the test organization.
As part of the Lead Manager sample, we created a mockup Eclipse component that presents a variety of user interfaces based on Settings made to the advanced properties.
Figure 1 shows a mocked-up version of the first page of the Lead Manager sample, in which all of the user interface has been simulated using multiple instances of the mockup component.
The other component was a Sales Lead browser that provided a different user experience than that exposed with a Lotus Notes View component.
The user can also navigate back to the Sales Lead context at any time using the navigator.
Although the user searches for the term "owe," results for "power" and so on are also returned by contains , which may lead to search results you are actually not looking for.
Spelling correctors, such as mod_speling (yes, it has one "l") can be used to correct errors in dictionary words that may lead a user to the right page.
一些拼写校正程序(比如说 mod_speling ———没错,它只有一个 “l”)可用于纠正词典单词中的错误,从而将用户定向到正确的页面。
Create a new user, John, who will be the team lead.
These selections will serve as user tags that will lead you and your peers in the My developerWorks community to discover common interests and expertise and to form meaningful connections.
这些选项将充当用户标记,将使您和您的同伴在My developerWorks社区中发现相同的兴趣和专业,并建立有意义的联系。
The question is, will Caffeine enhance performance or lead to user anxiety?
Authenticating a user at the server without first invalidating existing sessions can lead to what is termed session fixation.
The first is a simple, direct user interface to the repository, in which clicking on a certain repository folder will lead the user into that folder, much like a file system explorer would.
This assumption can lead to extreme frustration if the reality is that the action did not succeed, especially if a user has just spent a long time working on the content of the form.
For example, presenting at a user group meeting or attending a customer training class may lead to a customer trip.
On the contrary, such guidelines are extremely effective as they lead the visitors through the site content in a very simple and user-friendly way.
Poor communication can also delay troubleshooting, which can lead to lengthy system outages and user dissatisfaction.
The methodology will lead to a rigorous and complete set of design specifications — ranging from business context to systems' implementation — with a key focus on the User experience.
Make sure there are no errors in the following areas, which can lead to a false impression about the existence of a particular LDAP user.
Since the user is not using a tree-based object model to access this part of the document, constructing the entire tree would lead to a waste of memory due to replication of data.
A new form of computing memory which could lead to faster starting, user-friendly computers has been developed by us researchers.
Sometimes, if no ALT-place properties, will lead the user does not understand what the picture represents and why on this page.
Forcing UX design into the same iteration as it's corresponding development can lead to impulsive design, losing opportunity to test design ideas on user.
强迫用户体验设计过程使用与其对应开发工作所采取的迭代方式,这会导致冲动式设计(impul sive design),丧失与用户测试设计想法的机会。
In September the site reported a search index of over 500 million user profiles, though some of these seem to lead to profile pages that either don’t work or are blank.
In September the site reported a search index of over 500 million user profiles, though some of these seem to lead to profile pages that either don’t work or are blank.