Their high, narrow tails with swept-back tips are almost perfectly adapted to provide propulsion with the least possible effort.
For example, by optimizing those functions that are called most often, you can get the greatest performance benefit from the least amount of effort.
They'll also ensure that you spend the least amount of effort reworking a site, and the most amount of time improving it and keeping it working.
These are tough questions, but I suggest seeing if you can eliminate just one thing - the thing that gives you the least return for your invested time and effort.
This article is based on practical experience in leading a development effort that spanned four months and at least four dedicated full-time team members.
Which of my daily activities are those that bring me the most and ask me to provide the least effort?
BMW has at least been making an effort to burnish its environmental credentials.
Consider the effort your contribution to the betterment of humanity (or at least a chance to make a few conversions!).
Yahoo announced Tuesday that it plans to cut at least 10% of its workforce, or more than 1,500 employees, in the fourth quarter in an effort reduce costs.
One of our problems is that WS-BPEL is WSDL 1.1 only, at least for now (and I'm not aware of any effort to update it for WSDL 2.0).
我们的一个问题是WS - BPEL只支持WSDL 1.1,至少迄今为止还是这样(而且我没听到任何关于要把它升级到WSDL 2.0的消息)。
If you can, I would really suggest you make an effort to have some quiet time by yourself at least a few times a week.
Now research from Northwestern University suggests a new way of training that could reduce by at least half the effort previously thought necessary to make learning gains.
Mexico has been pleased that the United States is now making at least a modest effort to stem the southward flow of weapons, which is more than it was doing a few years ago.
You can save a lot of effort and testing by relying on free stylesheets, or at least free modules of style elements.
This creates the least restructuring work and focuses your effort.
Deciding to get married is the easy part -at least, compared with the expense and effort that shopping for the engagement ring entails.
Deciding to get married is the easy part - at least, compared with the expense and effort that shopping for the engagement ring entails.
Parts were intentionally designed to require the least amount of drilling and cutting effort.
The W3C XML schema recommendation (the full name for "schema") is at least as complex as most programming languages, and requires just as much effort to become proficient.
Most owners of restored Shanghai houses say the process is worth the effort, not least because it allows them to create specialised, modern interiors in architecturally important buildings.
Let me take a run at that and see if the effort helps settle the crash-versus-soft-landing debate. Or at least moves it along a bit.
Scoring or no, if Bayless lets one of the younger guards pass him in defensive effort or intensity then the amount of territory he can claim as uniquely his shrinks by at least half.
The collapse of the seven-year effort to further reduce trade barriers is regrettable, not least because it aimed to increase the access of the poorest countries to rich-country markets.
We want to avoid clutter, but that said, we spent a lot of time and effort to at least keep keyboard shortcut parity.
By defining the color in our styling, however, we could at least make an effort to define a better shade of gray.
Learn at least how to say "hello" and "May I make a photograph" in the local language-just showing that you've made a little effort helps.
How to practice it: Next time you start a conversation, make an effort to ask the person you're chatting with at least three questions before making another observation of your own.
How to practice it: Next time you start a conversation, make an effort to ask the person you're chatting with at least three questions before making another observation of your own.