Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye.
The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone.
In the overlap part of the right side of two main faults, the left-lateral strike-slip movement of them in Quaternary has formed the embryonic rhombochasm.
Objective To discuss the significance of left ventricular opacification (LVO) for observing the shape and movement of apical anterior and lateral walls.
The left-lateral strike-slip movement of the Zhongwei fault zone since late Pleistocene caused the differentiation of preexisting overthrust faults in the zone.
The left-lateral strike-slip movement is the main horizontal deformation, the rate of the vertical deformation is less than horizontal deformation, and showed the…
菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主 ,垂直形变速率较低 ,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征 ;
The left-lateral strike-slip movement is the main horizontal deformation, the rate of the vertical deformation is less than horizontal deformation, and showed the…
菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主 ,垂直形变速率较低 ,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征 ;