Schow calmly walked to the garage and let the air out of the tires of her jeep.
If you use our inflatable bike, you can simply let the air out and put your bike in a bag.
The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant — and let the air out of the tires.
They leap to their feet, clench fists and let out long screams, clawing at the ground and air.
These holes let the air in and keep the bugs out.
Getting out in the sunshine and breathing some fresh air can open your mind and begin to let in positive thoughts.
The theory goes that dry air will dry out the corks, which would let air into the bottle and spoil the wine.
Instead, let us come out into the light of day. Let us enjoy the fresh air of liberty and union.
"Business needs to relearn its limits, and if the Harvard business School let some air out of its own balloon, business would listen," he grumbles.
Take a deep breath and let your nose find out. Does the air smell fresh?
Let us note one detail, however; when jean Valjean went out with Cosette, he dressed as the reader has already seen, and had the air of a retired officer.
To control the amount of heat in a passive solar house, the doors and windows are closed or opened to keep heated air in or to let it out.
He opened the window to let out the foul air.
Their hope is to tame inflation that's angering the nation's consumers, and to let some air out of a worrisome real estate bubble that many fear could burst.
Stocks rose because the Federal Reserve, rather than acting to let air out of the bubble, was pumping it in.
So, if I do it like this, and I let it go the air will come out in this direction and so then it means the balloon is pushing on the air in this direction.
Tex let out a 9)whoop , then started dancing around and waving his gift in the air.
Is out cold air when inhaled, is not necessary not to let the baby go out.
There was one small barred window, too small to let very much air in or out, too high to afford more than a glimpse of the sky.
"I will," I agreed. "in fact, here you can have my lucky dollar!" Tex let out a whoop, then started dancing around and waving his gift in the air.
Let your feet do the walking The new right extends to most open-air recreation activities carried out on foot, including walking, wildlife-watching, climbing and running.
Almost every day they changed the wheels. Two cars had no inner tubes, and tires at low pressure quickly let out the air.
Let the wind blow away your troubles, running water to drain away your sadness, diffuse in the air is happy, sending out the aroma of happiness in the flowers.
The air in the tire was let out by the naughty boy.
Didn't the city of Beijing have to shut down for 12 days to let the poisonous air filter out?
You've let all the air out of the tyres.
Stagnant air and high humidity are a deadly combination for crassulaceae in cultivatiion. Most crassulaceae die because of fungi that let them rot slowly from the inside out.
This valve lets air into the pipe, but will not let air out of the pipe.
This valve lets air into the pipe, but will not let air out of the pipe.