Through the schema, a validating parser can verify that the element InvoiceNo is a positive integer and the element ProductID consists of one letter between A and Z followed by six digits.
通过模式,验证解析器可以检查元素InvoiceNo 是否是正整数,元素ProductID 的首字符是否为A到 Z之间的字母,后面为六个阿拉伯数字。
For primitive types, the representation USES a single letter code for each type (such as' I 'for an int and' Z 'for a Boolean).
Richard ling, for instance, has studied a teenage fad in Norway that had kids substituting the letter "z" for "s" in Norwegian words, yielding spellings such as "koz" or "klemz", both meaning "hug".
The first set, [A-Za-z], represents any letter.
第一个集合 [A-Za-z]表示所有字母。
The last letter of the alphabet is Z.
Z Trace this letter first, then color the matchable upper and lower case letters.
(z) : yes, I am Mr. Zhu. miss Lin, I have read your letter of application. you don't seem to have any working experience.
Move it closer to the first letter, Z.
Invitation letter for "Z" Visa.
We continue our England A-Z tomorrow with the letter K…
我们将继续我们的英格兰A-Z 系列,明天我们说K。
We continue our England A-Z tomorrow with the letter K…
我们将继续我们的英格兰A-Z 系列,明天我们说K。