Are they basic, such a light dimmer, or more imposing, like an alarm system or a video camera?
The researchers discovered that by intensifying the ambient light, the mice showed a greater fear reaction to the tone than when the light was dimmer.
Unlike other light sources, LEDs don't "burn out;" they simply get dimmer over time.
Continuous variable between two opposite states, e. g., like a light dimmer switch.
The failing autumnal light outside seems to grow a shade dimmer.
The total digital control of the light dimmer in the airfield is based on DSP.
The reflection is dimmer than the main light, so reflectors are most commonly used as a fill light.
No, he says, the rest of the world grows clearer, not dimmer, in the light of Christ.
It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer.
Since the light is now passing through a lot more fibers, it gets a lot dimmer before it leaves the cloth, so a lot less light is coming back to our eyes.
Also, because cloth is not perfectly transparent, the light comes out a little dimmer than it went in.
Remember that each time the light beam passes through a fiber, it gets dimmer.
Nor would it have seemed a miracle too high to be wrought for one so holy, had he ascended before their eyes, waxing dimmer and brighter, and fading at last into the light of heaven!
Nor would it have seemed a miracle too high to be wrought for one so holy, had he ascended before their eyes, waxing dimmer and brighter, and fading at last into the light of heaven!