Make light pencil lines so that they will erase easily.
You can mark your books with light pencil marks to indicate words you'd like to practice.
If you own the book follow up with a pencil. You may want to use a very light pencil mark to underline certain words that you want to remember.
Take a very small paintbrush or pencil and a light, nearly white colour.
Take a very small paintbrush or pencil and a light, nearly white colour .
Using a ruler, mark a light line with your pencil down the left-hand edge, about 1-2cm in.
用尺子在左边画一条直线,离边缘1 - 2厘米。
Draw the main center lines and block in the general outline of the views with light, sharp 6h pencil lines.
Using a light table I loosely trace the image onto a piece of Bristol board using an 8h pencil.
Lets imagine that the light comes from the left so when we rotate the pencil to make it write on the sketchbook it will appear to be coming from the top.
For example, a yellow pencil looks yellow because its paint reflects the wavelength of yellow light, and absorbs the other wavelengths.
Tool rail accessories include telephone stand, letter paper tray, pencil jar photo frame and name tag holder. Otheraccessories include task light and divider.
To test which areas are in light and which are in shadow, you can cast a shadow with a pencil on the object.
To test which areas are in light and which are in shadow, you can cast a shadow with a pencil on the object.