Studies of nature or toys like pulleys, magnifying glasses, or binoculars are all ways for unschoolers to explore science.
I study nature because I am curious, like all of us.
I study nature because I am curious like all of us. But if we can learn some general principle that someone else might put to use that is fantastic.
I study nature because I am curious, like all of us. But if we can learn some general principle that someone else might put to use, that is fantastic.
But because of the nonlinear nature of a network, when it does fail we can expect glitches like an aphasia that remembers all foods except vegetables.
Part 3:It is as if we really are like a virus on this planet, destroying all of nature to satisfy our own needs.
For some people this may mean going to a coffee shop, while others like sitting in nature with no distractions at all.
Many physicists would like to see a single theory explain all of the fundamental forces of nature, or at the very least see experimental verification of the Standard Model of particle physics.
Comparing today's talks with those of the previous two days, I would like to say that each day has its own agenda. The talks are all important in themselves and substantive in nature.
Agronomists and the like have taken to breeding all sorts of vegetables and fruits — changing their original nature.
A child of nature like that has only to move a finger and it would be all up with one!
Providing a project team with co-location certainly helps foster a collaborative nature to their work, but with a distributed team, it can be difficult for them to feel like a team at all.
However, can the City as called as the modern urban jungle flexibly adapt the circumstances within all these restrictions like nature adapted throughout the one hundred million years?
It's human nature to like some people more than others, and it's also all too human to respond to flattery and sucking-up.
The flow of De and the circulation of Qi make everything vital. " From this passage, we can see, "De" has the nature of Zhi Yuan, which is like that of Qi but not all the same.
We like the giant panda, should to protect their homes, all of you to take care of nature!
So just like in the nature, object oriented programming (OOP) is all this about like in the nature.
All nature is a circle of moods and I am a part of nature and so, like the tides, my mood will rise; my mood will fall.
The enjoyment of Nature is an art, depending so much on one's mood and personality, and like all art, it is difficult to explain its technique.
Wit, like all other things subject by their nature to the choice of man, has its changes and fashions, and at different times takes different forms.
Means of livelihood that people can't all offer by the nature like animal survive, some means of livelihood were grown and produced out by people.
People are there, but they do not seem to be working or consuming food the way we do. It looks like they're absorbing from nature all that they want.
People are there, but they do not seem to be working or consuming food the way we do. It looks like they're absorbing from nature all that they want.