Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius.
During his later years, Landsteiner formed a friendship with Linus Pauling, the American biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1954.
在兰德斯纳特的晚年,他与1954年赢得诺贝尔奖的生物化学家Linus Pauling建立了友谊关系。
Similar predictions were made later, by Andreas von Antropoff (1924) and by Linus C. Pauling (1932), based on chemical trends in the periodic table.
后来,安德里亚凡安绰波夫(Andreasvon Antropoff)在1924年,利诺斯·卡尔·鲍林(Linus C . Pauling)在1932年,都做出了类似预测。预测的依据是:周期表里的化学趋势。
Similar predictions were made later, by Andreas von Antropoff (1924) and by Linus C. Pauling (1932), based on chemical trends in the periodic table.
后来,安德里亚凡安绰波夫(Andreasvon Antropoff)在1924年,利诺斯·卡尔·鲍林(Linus C . Pauling)在1932年,都做出了类似预测。预测的依据是:周期表里的化学趋势。