Bill Evjen is Global Head of Platform Architecture for Thomson Reuters, Lipper.
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Lipper, an information group, reckons that the median European fund has euro25m of assets, barely enough to be economic to run.
Dimples diffuse annularly on the surface of water. The shadows of leaves and flowers with the lipper undulate, ring upon ring.
Lipper Flash Ranking Services - Provides the mutual fund information you need the most to keep up-to-date on your fund's competitive position.
Diversified emerging-markets stock funds were down 17.1% on average this year through Nov. 30, according to Thomson Reuters Corp. 's Lipper unit.
The 12-month yield on the loans, which are unrated and therefore riskier, was 4.53% as of 1/31/11, says Tom Roseen, senior Lipper research analyst.
The yield on mutual funds that invest in Treasuries is less than half its level of a decade ago, according to Lipper, another research outfit (see chart).
The average annual return for three years running in indexed emerging market funds is 1.87 percent, says Jeff Tjornehoj, head of Lipper Americas Research.
At my request, Lipper looked at the returns of actively and passively managed emerging market funds and found that the indexes are handily beating the managers.
Shares in property companies took a battering over the summer, makingthe sector the worst performer in the American market in May, June and July,according to Lipper, an information group.
Performance Achievement Certificates - Lipper's performance Achievement Certificates are awarded to funds annually in recognition of top recent performance within a select Lipper category.
Performance Achievement Certificates - Lipper's performance Achievement Certificates are awarded to funds annually in recognition of top recent performance within a select Lipper category.