A little bit of love, can add up!
Sometimes the heart is empty, a little bit of love.
Sometimes the heart is a bit empty, a little bit of love.
If each of us can give a little bit of love, then what difficulty can daunt us?
When I was young, our parents taught us that if you had a little bit of love for someone, it 's okay to marry.
A large tube, the baby and the family when you can wipe the face, wipe hands, wipe the body with a little bit of love.
Because if there is... just a little bit of love in there for me... I think in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything.
Because if there id just a little bit of love in there for me, I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything.
I can not in your heart, you do not give me a little bit of love mercy, let my heart for you Tangxue again, and again for your tears flow.
However now, even if we meet, I won't stay, maybe I don't feel that way anymore, but there's still a little bit of love hiding deep inside my heart.
Mathilda:I hope you're not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you. Because if there is…just a little bit of love in there for me…
Little by little, you will make him learn a bit of self-respect and self-love.
Shouldn’t we scientists leave love to lovers and artists and leave a little bit of mystery?
Shouldn't we scientists leave love to lovers and artists and leave a little bit of mystery?
I'm a real summer person - I love sunshine and warmth, which we don't get a lot of in Scotland, so summer colours in my designs and my flat give a little bit of summer all year round.
Whether it's as simple as an embarrassing text message sent, a drunken confession of love or something a little bit more bizarre, it's usually the sort of thing we wouldn't do while sober.
Relax a little, and love distance, leave a bit change the possibility of surprise and look forward to.
Zhenshuiwuxiang, wordless love, true love is from the heart of care, love is the little bit of plain and firm.
Love needs a thin layer of sadness, need a little bit of jealousy, doubt, a dramatic game. — Vasiliev.
My love I will like to be part of your life, Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal.
And in the minds of now, my love has since fallen through, again a little bit cruel.
A little smile, a word of cheer, a bit of love from someone near, a little gift from one held dear, Best wishes for the coming year... These make a Merry Christmas!
I have all the courage to take over, the joy of love, so happy, even if it is often a little bit of thinking, the pain of love, despite the pain, but often more harvest.
Could you talk a little bit more about the strengthening of cosmic love between the different cosmic RACES.
Love comes to the end, her heart with a little bit of broken.
Men in the pursuit of the cause at the same time, at a little bit careful in dealing with love, a woman will return to the feelings of his life.
Men in the pursuit of the cause at the same time, at a little bit careful in dealing with love, a woman will return to the feelings of his life.