The location widget extracted the location through the Locator Service.
Taxi/rental car—Another locator service puts users in touch with nearby taxi and car rental services.
出租车/租车 - 这是另一个定位服务,帮助用户快速找到最近的出租车/租车服务。
Another way is for each component type to use its own instance of service locator, not a singleton.
This is because the service locator will cache the resource for whichever component USES the overloaded name first.
The client passes in a unique identifier — a resource name — for the resource; the service locator finds the resource and returns it to the client.
The most methodical way of doing this is to find one of the service locator lookups in a constructor and push it to the class instantiating it.
Service locator implementations usually include a resource cache to avoid repeated lookups of the same resource.
When two components use a resource name that is overloaded — that is, a name that is bound to two different resources — a caching service locator returns the same resource to both components.
A singleton service locator with a resource cache creates a global cache that cannot properly handle the component-level mappings for an overloaded resource name.
My third implementation used a service locator with no cache.
Just as predicted, overloaded resource names and a caching service locator makes the code execute differently; it makes some components get the wrong resources.
But the service locator should not include a resource cache.
Do not just assume that a caching service locator significantly improves application performance; use performance testing to confirm that it does.
We have seen that an overloaded resource name and the typical service locator implementation, a singleton with a resource cache, do not get along.
Business logic code that USES a service locator avoids becoming cluttered with directory lookup code, and so is easier to understand.
Therefore, J2EE 1.3 applications should not include the resource cache in their service locator implementations.
因此,在J2EE 1.3应用程序中,服务定位器的实现不应该包含资源缓存。
This is simple to apply to an existing application: just change the service locator implementation to disable or remove the cache.
Wherever there are singleton lookup in the legacy codebase, a small change is made to lookup the same component via the service locator instead.
OK, so a caching service locator causes errors for overloaded resource names.
My second implementation used a caching service locator.
To make this safe, you need to have a mechanism to lock the service locator and make it read only.
The first component to move towards the service locator design, and away from its singleton origins, is the one that depends on no other singletons, yet may be depended by other singletons.
The remaining alternative is to use a service locator, make it a singleton, but remove the reference cache.
For example, the service locator code that enables a client to access a data source looks like this.
For Cairngorm, we offer a service locator that can be configured in the IoC container.
Use of the service locator design pattern to simplify lookup code.
A service locator implementation that includes caching accesses a data source like this.
My first implementation used no service locator; the beans performed all of the JNDI code themselves. Here are the two toString 's I got.
Unique service locator instance per component type.
Because of the caching service locator, the two beans are now using the same data source.