Every major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look differently from the way others saw it.
I do look differently at the world through the lens.
You are not letting go of the beauty of a sunrise, albeit it may look differently.
It's easy to prove since the new units look differently, which you can see in the following images.
Some education experts insist that all primary school pupils should be required to study art and music at which I look differently.
Black, is apparently, out of the picture, so feel free to focus on different colors and make sure the dress or the skirt you've chosen can be accessorized to look differently each time you wear it.
"What we find is you actually look at the world slightly differently, because you're looking for things you want to capture, that you may want to hang onto," Diehl explains.
There are so many decisions that I may look at differently if we had a pile of debt.
At the end of an iteration of work, we always look back at how we did and figure out what we can do differently next time to improve.
Allow yourself to anchor and to feel -well, we would say a sense of solidity underneath your feet, even though if you allow yourself to look you will see things differently.
So there will be a sense of greater vision. You will look at things -whether it is nature, birds, animals, tables -and you will simply perceive them differently.
They both look very nice, but are designed differently.
As the factory owner's friend escorts me back to my hotel, he adopts a cynical look and says, "People do business differently here."
Your family will be changed because you will look at your spouse differently.
Sometimes different versions of a program will format output differently, so your results may not always look exactly like the listings and figures shown here.
In the final section, I'll look at that data binding and RPC features that Laszlo supports, some of which depend on or behave differently when deployed in proxied mode.
This might make you look at the next janitor you see a little differently when you've learned that the words January and janitor come from the same etymological root.
If the EJB you are invoking was written to the EJB 2.1 specification, the CORBANAME URL would be structured differently. Here is an example of how the EJB 2.1 CORBANAME URL would look.
如果您调用的EJB是使用eJB 2.1规范编写的,CORBANAMEURL结构可能有所不同。
Continuous feedback and improvement: at the end of an iteration of work, we always look back at how we did and figure out what we can do differently next time to improve.
The fact is that God has put you in a relationship - be it marriage or a good friendship - where you probably look at life differently from each other or have different backgrounds.
I look at the world differently now: if police officers can go to someone's house, let them make a cup of tea and the next minute they're dead, then we're living in a world where anything can happen.
Once you look at it differently you will realise that the actual requirements will also act as the user acceptance test criteria.
Even after the deployments end, you look at things differently.
Different versions of a program may format output differently, so your results may not look exactly like the listings and figures in this tutorial.
The code could even be developed completely differently and could look similar. So even in copyright, which is much much better than patents, it can get nasty.
Men also look at beauty differently than women.
Men also look at beauty differently than women.