As a physician who travels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded"Is there a doctor on board?'
A lot of famous actors don't even notice the extras, but the ones who do make the job a lot of fun for everyone.
For applications that perform a lot of forks and exits, this can be very expensive and add a lot of overhead.
For example, if you need to capture a lot of user behavior, then you could wind up adding a lot of logging statements to your application.
"Financial engineers have made a lot of money for the Banks, but created a lot of problems," says Lepinay, an assistant professor in MIT's Program in Science, Technology, and Society.
But it can be a chicken and egg problem - to get good recommendations, you need a lot of users, so you can get a lot of data for the recommendations.
I'm not sure who made this up, but it's likely the cause of a lot of broken dreams for a lot of people.
For this new book, I have to make a lot of stuff, and a lot of the glues and spray paints that we are using are not so eco.
Even if you're disciplined enough to put in a lot of time and a lot of effort, if you're not following a proven strategy for success you're just wasting your resources.
For instance, a quiet person who talks a lot, or a person who talks a lot who is now quiet.
For example, some applications require a lot of disk storage but not a lot of CPU power.
From the consumer's perspective, there are a whole lot of channels for invoking a whole lot of services.
Well, for one thing, a lot of journalists are innumerate and a lot don't know much about history.
Well, for one thing, a lot of journalists are innumerate and a lot don’t know much about history.
It's definitely a lot, I think, a lot more real, and a lot deeper than people would expect for the movie to be.
If you are serving a lot of users, this could be a lot of requests for the server to handle.
"With 40, 000 gulls, there's not a lot of room for a lot of other birds," Strong says.
It will take a while to determine whether this will work. But if it does, radiation therapy for cancer could become a lot less traumatic and a lot more effective.
After bitter and pointless debate, the council zoned the lot for the gas station and the galaxy above the lot for the sign.
That’s quite a lot bandwidth for photos; however, I’m notsure how long that would hold up if you’ve got a lot of video clips onthere.
An audit would make people realize that, while Bernie Madoff defrauded a lot of investors for a lot of money, the Fed has defrauded every one of us by destroying the value of our money.
But, for instance, if you have a lot of trouble in social situations, that may go along with a lot of anxiety.
One of the reasons why we would want to make decisions in this regard is that there are other kinds of healthcare needs where we can do a lot more good for a lot less money for many more people.
To put it simply, protein takes a lot of effort for the body to break down and digest. A lot more than, say, fat.
A decisive person has a lot more time for the important things in their lives and a lot more peace of mind.
(Laughter.) Now, Joe Biden rightly deserves a lot of credit for convincing Arlen to make the switch, but Secretary Clinton actually had a lot to do with it too.
Nobody, of course, can tell for sure, but I expect a lot more really great promotional prices and a lot more ways for suppliers to try to wring extra bucks out of your pockets.
Nobody, of course, can tell for sure, but I expect a lot more really great promotional prices and a lot more ways for suppliers to try to wring extra bucks out of your pockets.