Comet: Low Latency Data for the browser.
You also gain low latency and high availability.
Low latency: Guaranteed response to signals in bounded time.
Low latency improvement scenario: Partition data based on time.
While technologies like WiFi provide high band - width and low latency.
Core groups have low latency (only one network hop) between members.
Only traffic that conforms to the token bucket is guaranteed low latency.
Low latency access to data stored in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Experience shows that memory databases provide superior performance and low latency.
In addition to availability, high throughput and low latency are key in these applications.
CEP offers a high throughput and low latency solution for processing large amounts of monitoring data.
Zones in the same region are still close to each other and therefore have low latency between them.
Some databases deliver low latency but cannot handle large Numbers of transactions or concurrent sessions.
Most of the DNS servers themselves use anycast to achieve high availability and low latency of the DNS lookups.
Comet is a low latency data transfer technique that is event driven and USES the server push mechanism over the HTTP protocol.
One relies upon an in memory queue as we prefer very low latency between when a bid is placed and when it appears in My eBay.
proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_low_latency "0" Allows the TCP/IP stack to give deference to low latency over higher throughput; should be disabled.
proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_low_latency "0"允许TCP/IP栈适应在高吞吐量情况下低延时的情况;这个选项应该禁用。
A baseline run of the latency test, using default Settings for WebSphere MQ Low latency Messaging, gives the results shown in Figure 5.
延迟测试的基准运行(使用WebSphereMQLow LatencyMessaging的默认设置)的结果如图5所示。
The impact of network I/O on the UI thread is easy to miss during development because you're likely to be on a fast network with low latency.
由于在开发时网络可能很快而且延迟很小,所以很容易忽视 网络I/O在UI线程上造成的影响。
Bayeux protocol is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages (primarily over HTTP) with low latency between a Web server and Web clients.
The system has been designed to have an extremely low latency which allows it to be operated via a helmet mounted display (HMD) using a head tracker.
WS-Notification is not meant to replace all messaging infrastructure such as low latency buses, industry standards, or existing infrastructure like JMS.
WS - Notification并不打算取代所有消息基础结构,如低延迟总线、行业标准或JMS等现有的基础结构。
Conversely, if you are working on an interactive system such as a web application, then a low latency garbage collector is generally the best choice.
It provides a framework to build device adapters for device communications, and also provides a location for business logic with low latency requirements.
Kreps described how LinkedIn crunches 120 billion relationships per day and blends large scale data computation with high volume, low latency site serving.
Kreps介绍了Linked in每天是如何处理1.2千亿个关系并通过高容量、低延迟的站点服务来混合大量的数据计算的。
As mentioned previously, low latency transport (LLT) provides notification of reliable versus unreliable network communications to global atomic broadcast (GAB).
如前所述,low latencytransport (LLT)(低延迟传输)提供可靠的通知相对应于提供不可靠网络通信的global atomic broadcast (GAB)(全球广播)。
Fine-grained components often require collocation to operate correctly or, more likely, to provide the low latency that's necessary to achieve a performance goal.
Each device is also a platform for local business logic where fast response, low latency, load distribution, bandwidth conservation, and high reliability are needed.
Testing has also measured very low latency of 30 microseconds for 120-byte messages delivered at 10,000 messages per second on InfiniBand or 61 microseconds on Ethernet.
Testing has also measured very low latency of 30 microseconds for 120-byte messages delivered at 10,000 messages per second on InfiniBand or 61 microseconds on Ethernet.