As a result, the surface and the lower atmosphere warm up.
They typically occur in the lower atmosphere ahead of a storm front.
Sometimes the ring comes down and curves into the lower atmosphere.
In the lower atmosphere, pollutants like sulphur dioxide "rain out" of the air within days.
Clouds appear in silhouette as the sunlight is reddened by dust in the dense lower atmosphere.
The lower atmosphere is referred to as the homosphere because it has a uniform mixture of gases.
The carbon14 atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.
Sometimes the ring comes down and curves into the lower atmosphere, causing strange electrical effects.
Invisible enormous rivers of water, consisting of vapors that flow, move towards the poles in the lower atmosphere.
Air launches are also a greener way of getting into space, because they avoid igniting rockets in the lower atmosphere.
Water vapor in the lower atmosphere can vary in amount from a mere trace in arid regions to about 4% by volume in moist areas.
Our emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise, and the temperature of the lower atmosphere and the ocean is increasing.
Spacecraft: Vehicle designed to operate, with or without a crew, in a controlled flight pattern above Earth's lower atmosphere.
In the lower atmosphere the oxides of nitrogen add to an increase in ozone and small particles, which can cause respiratory ailments.
The distribution of total cooling rate in the lower atmosphere is mainly determined the distribution of water vapor cooling rate.
If tornadoes and hurricanes can occur in the lower atmosphere, on a local level, why could they not occur in the upper atmosphere?
Turbulent motion refers to the process by which heat and moisture are transferred from the land or ocean surface to the lower atmosphere.
The theory was that 'brown clouds' were cooling the lower atmosphere and therefore masking some of the warming effects of greenhouse gases.
Evually atmospheric drag removes them from orbit by lowering their altitudes until they burn up on reentry into the dense lower atmosphere.
Eventually atmospheric drag removes them from orbit by lowering their altitudes until they burn up on reentry into the dense lower atmosphere.
The moist adjustment can increase temperature more in the lower atmosphere and decrease it more in the bottom atmosphere than the dry adjustment.
Stratospheric air generally rises above tropical latitudes, spreads toward the poles, and then sinks back toward the lower atmosphere at high latitudes.
Though different teams still get different amounts and rates of warming in the lower atmosphere, there is no longer any denying that warming is seen.
Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere, 30% is reflected by clouds or the Earth's surface. The remaining 70% warms the surface of the planet.
Adding to those greenhouse gases in the atmosphere makes it harder still for the energy to get out. As a result, the surface and the lower atmosphere warm up.
The humanity has discharged the massive coal smokes, the dust as well as other molecules to the lower atmosphere, the climate scientist is called "the human volcano".
People with chronic respiratory conditions like asthma, emphysema or bronchitis may be more susceptible to irritation if ash is in the lower atmosphere in high concentrations.
During the 1990s this was a point on which doubters laid considerable weight, because satellite measurements did not show the warming in the lower atmosphere that theory would predict.
During the 1990s this was a point on which doubters laid considerable weight, because satellite measurements did not show the warming in the lower atmosphere that theory would predict.