The text is all in lower case.
Most variables and functions should start with a lower case letter.
Yours may be mixed or lower case; use your exact hostname.
The values in this element differ in terms of upper and lower case.
This subdirectory must be called disk1 and it must be in lower case.
该子目录必须命名为 disk1,并且必须是小写。
Usually this is upper case, lower case, special character and a number.
Mixed case is the easiest to read, although all lower case is also easy.
Note: on UNIX, the data file names are case sensitive and MUST be lower case.
The possible values are upper case first (u), lower case first (l), and off (X).
Atoms must start with a lower case character, or you can delimit with single quotes.
Use the algorithm that generates a Random e-mail address in lower case for this type of data.
And in physics, when physicists want to say "a little bit of," delta they write lower case delta.
Their implied description of the moral life is gentle, fair and grounded. But it is all lower case.
I am going to highlight this by calling this q1, lower case q being the charge here on the nucleus.
To avoid any potential for error, you should always represent LSIDs in RDF using their canonical form: lower case.
为避免任何可能出现的错误,应始终用LSID 的规范形式(小写)在RDF 中表示它们。
Some values are all upper case, some are all lower case, and some are mixed case (" First character upper case ").
In the first one, we use the s (substitute) command to substitute an upper case for a lower case 'a' on each line.
For example, the collating sequence in ASCII is: space, numeric values, upper case characters, lower case characters.
It does not even matter whether the search string is "PARIS" or "PARIS" or any other combination of upper and lower case.
The latter would not find any elements in our sample data because the element in our sample data is spelled in lower case.
Names should be formed from the 26 upper and lower case letters (A .. Z, a .. z), the 10 digits (0 .. 9), and _ (underbar).
On the other hand, the collating sequence in EBCDIC is: space, lower case characters, upper case characters, and numeric values.
This simple example application defines two eminently useful operations that convert input strings either to upper or lower case.
This can happen if this data has come from a variety of applications that use different rules for upper and lower case data entry.
There is almost no difference between the lower case first setting and the off setting, so typically there is no need to use the lower case first setting.
It is common for business messages to appear entirely in lower case, and many rapid-fire correspondences evolve from formal to intimate in a few back-and-forths.
They have to distinguish between words in upper and lower-case letters or even harder, they had to count the number of syllables in different words.
In the first column of output, you see the first character is an 'l' (lower-case l) for symbolic links.
Some Web sites require passwords with numbers and letters, others require numbers, letters and special characters, and still others require a capital letter, a lower-case letter and then a number.
Some Web sites require passwords with numbers and letters, others require numbers, letters and special characters, and still others require a capital letter, a lower-case letter and then a number.