The company hopes its 787 airliner will be the first with a pressurised fuselage made from lightweight, fuel-saving carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite materials, rather than aluminium.
Sleeping Coat is made from lightweight waterproof fabric that keeps the body warm and can be inflated to create a comfortable sleeping bag.
IStream cars comprise a body of mechanically fastened panels made from recycled plastic bottles, around a lightweight composite chassis of thin-walled tubes.
Scoria walls are made from a porous, lightweight red volcanic aggregate which is mixed to form a self - supporting semi-fluid and rammed into formwork similar to the process of rammed earth.
The desk is made from lightweight, eco-friendly bamboo and has both a built-in mousepad and a display dock for your phone or tablet.
The desk is made from lightweight, eco-friendly bamboo and has both a built-in mousepad and a display dock for your phone or tablet.