Prepare E-mail using a user's preferred composer or mail user agent.
The mail transfer agent receives the messages from another mail transfer agent, a mail user agent, or a mail submission agent.
For example, if you're packaging a mail user agent or mail transport agent, there are some specific considerations that apply.
The Out of Office agent automatically determines the home mail server of the user, and enables the agent to run on that server. (See the sidebar.)
When a user authenticates for the first time, the PHP application, after retrieving the session cookie, asks this agent for the location of the user's mail file.
To determine whether or not the agent has run in the server log, examine the server log and search for the name of the mail database of the user who has the problem.
AMGR_DISABLEMAILLOOKUP By default, a mail-triggered agent performs a mail lookup of the user who last modified it.
AMGR_DISABLEMAILLOOKUP By default, a mail-triggered agent performs a mail lookup of the user who last modified it.