It should be a true alternative market which would compete against the Main Board in the same way as NASDAQ competes against the New York Stock Exchange.
Main board market is the production of industrial economy era, it provides financing channel for enterprises in comparatively mature industry.
New alternative market - GEM to merge into the Main Board, and a new market with an enhanced regulatory regime to be launched for growth companies.
The new alternative market would be distinguished from the Main Board and would provide a listing venue where issuers are expected to stay for the long term.
The main trends in software use a variety of stock market data to the real objective analysis of each stock's main operations as well as meta-analysis of the main board market and operating trends.
These main problems are: weakened market role, the distribution of shares is too concentrated, being lack of credibility, and the Board of Trustees without running efficiency.
The main board market has not sufficient information announcement, which makes direct influence on the development of corporation.
There is some sharp difference between the Second Board Market and the Main Board Market in information disclosure.
There is some sharp difference between the Second Board Market and the Main Board Market in information disclosure.