Get the main diagonal of a matrix, or put a vector into the main diagonal of a matrix.
A special matrix structure was adopted, that is, each row and each column has one matrix element, and the matrix elements are on the main diagonal symmetry.
This element is receded, in relation to the volume of the terrace, so the spatial emphasis is on the main diagonal visuals previously mentioned (south-southeast).
Diagonal construction of the space provides blurred transitions between the functional areas and creates visual lightness. Wood as the main material in interior creates a delicate, warm atmosphere.
To install the crane span before installation, camber, level of metal structure of main girder bending, trolley rail height difference, gauge deviation, diagonal bridge survey.
A concept of symmetric diagonal A-factor block circulant matrices and some of their prop- crtics are given, the main theorems are extended.
The main tension zone and law of stress distribution are investigated regarding the relative width of diagonal tension stress zone as variable.
With box beams and diagonal-tensile suspended structure, the steel structure of the main building of the center is a new and unique design that has thick structural plates and heavy components.
With box beams and diagonal-tensile suspended structure, the steel structure of the main building of the center is a new and unique design that has thick structural plates and heavy components.