For every major version number supported.
The major version number of the browser making the request.
In those cases, we change the major version number of the API.
An incompatible change in the WSDL definition increments the major version number and forces a new WSDL target namespace value.
The soname consists of the prefix "lib", followed by the name of the library, a ".so "followed by another dot, and a number indicating the major version number.
soname包含前缀“lib ”,然后紧跟库名,其次是“ .so ”(后面紧跟另一个圆点),以及表明主版本号的数字。
An incompatible change in the XML Schema definition increments the major version number and forces a new target namespace value for both the XML Schema and WSDL definitions.
We used to think that incrementing the major version number required this kind of major new feature, but, in the 2.6.x time frame, we have stopped doing feature-based releases.
我们习惯于认为,主版本号的提升就必须伴有重大功能的实现。但是,在2.6 . x时代,我们不再因为功能实现而发布版本。
The previously described scenario results in a set of incompatible changes that requires that the major version number of the Policy Check service contract be incremented from 1.0 to 2.0.
Therefore, she names the build based on build number and prefixes it with the major release and version identifiers: Rel4_V2_B2353 (see Figure 9).
因此,她根据建造编号来命名,并且将主要发布和版本标识符 Rel4_V2_B2353 作为它的前缀(请参见图9)。
The version number retrieved from the if_spec is a 32 bit number which is ANDed with 0xffff to get the major version and right shifted 16 times to get the minor number.
从if _ spec获得的版本号是一个32位的值,将之与0xffff进行AND计算可以得到主版本,右移16次可以得到次版本。
Suppose Key represented a version number, with a major and a minor number.
Recently, the movie star Andy Lau has been Gordon's version of the number one major newspaper entertainment figure.
A major and minor version number, and a revision and build number.
A major and minor version number, and a revision and build number.